+27 71 603 7505
Stellenbosch & Brackenfell
Pr. No. 1070215 | OT 0086401

About Us

Alet Byers Occupational Therapist is owned and presented by qualified occupational therapist,  Alet Byers

My Story

About Me

Alet Byers Occupational Therapist is owned and founded by Alet Byers…that’s me! I studied at the University of Stellenbosch and graduated in 2013.

I completed my community service year in East London at Cecilia Makiwane Hospital in 2014. I then worked for a private practice in Kimberley where I saw children and also worked in a psychiatry hospital. Here I learned a lot about group facilitation and mental health.

In 2016 I started working at Kimberley Hospital. It was here, in the NICU, where I first discovered my absolute passion for all things babies! I loved every moment of presenting the group sessions for the moms, working with the nurses and doctors to enhance the NICU environment and following up the little ones to monitor their development.

In 2021 I became a mom myself and through this journey, I realized what a need there is for new moms to be better informed, equipped and supported.

I developed a deep compassion for the uncertainty and anxiety that accompanies becoming a mom. You become pregnant, go through 9 months of constant change (which in itself is overwhelming!) and then one day, your baby arrives and the world suddenly expects of you to know what to do. I remember when we were leaving the hospital to go home, the nurses handed me my baby and I thought “What? Are you sure? You just hand this human to me and that’s it?”

Add to this uncertainty and fear of failure the delivery pain, all the hormonal changes, poor sleep, mother-in-law’s well meaning but unsolicited advice and you have a winning recipe to end up in a puddle of tears.

However, I am here to tell you: there is hope! I have started this practice for moms like you and me, to help prepare us better for delivery, the 4th trimester, parenting and so much more. My hope is that this practice will make life easier, richer and a whole lot more fun for moms and little ones.